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Summer Cleaning: Top 15 Household Items to Focus On

While spring often takes the spotlight for house cleansing, summer presents a unique time to refresh your home. With the season's lively pace, from beach trips to outdoor adventures, routine upkeep can be overlooked. Here, we spotlight 15 household essentials to prioritize this summer.

Your Go-To Summer Cleaning Guide:

1. Pillows

Cleaning pillows can be a puzzle. A machine wash will suffice for pillows filled with down, feathers, or polyester. However, foam varieties demand a gentle hand wash. Sweaty summer nights make pillow maintenance essential. And if you’re considering storing extra bedding, Rose Self Storage, a top-notch self storage facility in Ocean Shores, is at your service.

2. Microwave

Regular microwave usage can lead to hidden grime. Steam-clean it using a bowl of water, then swipe away the remnants. For those seldom-used kitchen gadgets, consider storage units at Rose Self Storage.

3. Vacuum Filters

The correct technique for cleaning vacuum filters can be elusive. A simple rinse in warm water typically does the trick. With summer's increased foot traffic, filters may need more frequent attention.

4. Air Conditioner

Regular maintenance, including wiping the exterior and disinfecting the control buttons, optimizes your air conditioner. When summer wraps up, Rose Self Storage is the ideal self storage facility for seasonal equipment.

5. Fans

Summer fans, due to constant usage, can accumulate dust. After unplugging, ensure the blades are dust-free, and then clean the frame. Off-season, these can find a home in storage units to free up space.

6. Humidifier

Keeping the humidifier reservoir pristine is essential. In addition, remember to soak the wick in cold water and air dry it properly. Always check the manual for any specific cleaning nuances.

7. Air Purifier

Air purifiers usually come with a duo of filters. While the pre-filter often needs bi-weekly cleaning, the HEPA filter might demand yearly replacements, especially as summer air quality can fluctuate.

8. Dishwasher Filter

A task we might not relish but is essential – ensuring the dishwasher filter is spotless. A soak in warm, sudsy water followed by a thorough scrub should keep it in top shape.

9. Remote Controls

Remote devices accumulate unnoticed grime. A weekly cleaning regimen, focusing on buttons and the body, can ensure you're channel surfing in a germ-free manner.

10. Cutting Board

After the fervor of summer cookouts, cutting boards need some TLC. A deep clean followed by conditioning, especially for wooden varieties, will keep them ready for culinary adventures.

11. Cast Iron Pan

Cast iron pans are durable but demand special care. Avoid water soaks and detergents. After cooking, a simple scrub using sea salt will keep it seasoned and ready for the next meal.

12. Reusable Grocery Bags

Refresh your reusable bags this summer. While canvas bags are machine-friendly, some might require a gentle hand wash, especially if they've carried perishables.

13. Light Switches

Summer fun often means sticky residues everywhere, including light switches. A routine wipe-down ensures they remain clean and germ-free.

14. Pet Accessories

Our furry friends tend to be more active in the summer, making their accessories dirtier. Regularly cleaning beds, dishes, and toys ensures your pets enjoy a clean environment.

15. Bathroom Walls

Flushes can spray minute droplets around. Regular wall cleaning, especially during lively summer gatherings, keeps bathrooms guest-ready. And if you're considering a bathroom revamp or declutter, remember Rose Self Storage offers premier storage units.

In wrapping up, summer is not just for leisure but also an opportune time to dive into some deep cleaning. And for storage solutions, look no further than Rose Self Storage, located at 991 Silver King Ave SE, Ocean Shores, Washington 98569, the neighborhood's premier self storage facility.


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Rose Self Storage
991 Silver King Ave SE, Ocean Shores, Washington 98569
(360) 646-2483


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